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[pdf] al-Qur_an.pdf 0 1.4 MB 2020-Sep-26
[pdf] Knowledge_transfer.pdf 0 1.8 MB 2020-Sep-26
[pdf] On_using_of_a_mobile.pdf 0 4.2 MB 2020-Sep-26
[pdf] peer_Al-Qur'an Recitation Method in Early Childhood in Integrated Islamic Kindergarten Playgroup.pdf 0 445.2 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_An Analysis of Full Day School Policy.pdf 0 472.2 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Comparative Study on Using SAVI Versus VAK to Improve Students' Mathematical Concepts Ability.pdf 0 473.6 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Development of Integrated Thematic Learning Model Based on on Islamic Values in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah of Padang City.pdf 0 126.8 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Implementation of Formulate Share Listen Create Strategy to Improve Student's Problem Solving and Mathematics Disposotion Ability.pdf 0 487.1 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Integrated Tematic Learning Based on Islamic Values in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Padang.pdf 0 545.9 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Peserta Didik yang Diajar dengan Metode Probing-Prompting Learning pada Kelas VII MTsN Bungus Teluk Kabung Padang Tahun Ajaran 2017-2018.pdf 0 503.0 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Knowledge Transfer in Maghrib Mengaji at Tradition Kembali ke Surau.pdf 0 437.9 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Meneladani Rasulullah SAW sebagai Pendidik yang Memudahkan.pdf 0 480.3 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Model Pembelajaran Tematik Berbasis Nilai-Nilai Islami.pdf 0 556.6 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_On Using of a Mobile Learning in Teaching History at UIN Imam Bonjol Padang (A Reseach and Development Model).pdf 0 491.6 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Penciptaan Suasana Religius di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah dalam Membentuk Karakter Peserta Didik.pdf 0 92.4 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Penggunaan Metode Diskusi Tipe Buzz Group dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMPN 1 Gunung Talang Kabupaten Solok.pdf 0 120.3 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Professional Education in Developing Curriculum 2013 for Elementary School in Padang City.pdf 0 535.9 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_The Development of Islamic Learning Mesia Using Macromedia Flash on Geometry.pdf 0 480.7 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_The Effect of the Somatic Auditory Visualization Intelectualy (SAVI) Learning Model on Student Learning Outcomes in Integrated Thematic Learning in Class V SDN 26 Jati Utara Padang.pdf 0 447.9 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_The Influence of Paikem Gembrot Aproach for the Skill of Writing Descriptive for the Students Grade V in Elementary School.pdf 0 446.2 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_The Thematic Instruction at Islamic Elementary School Padang (Preliminary Study Toward the Construction Model.pdf 0 467.3 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] Tunitin_Comparative study.pdf 0 1.3 MB 2020-Jul-25
[pdf] Turnitin_Implementation of formulate.pdf 0 2.2 MB 2020-Jul-25
[pdf] Turnitin_The development.pdf 0 1.6 MB 2020-Jul-25
24 Files - 0 Folders Total downloads: 0 Total size: 19.9 MB  
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