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[pdf] Turnitin_ Implementation of formulate.pdf 0 693.0 KB 2020-Sep-27
[pdf] Turnitin_Developing a hypothetical.pdf 0 508.1 KB 2020-Sep-27
[pdf] peer_The development of constructivism based module for the materials of composotion and inverse function for science students of senior high school inindonesia.pdf 0 515.6 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Religiusitas dan modal sosial studi atas dampak ramadan terhadap pembentukan modal sosial umat islam.pdf 0 76.3 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Radikalisasi anak usia dini (studi atas praktik radikalisasi anak usia dini pada lembaga pendidikan islam).pdf 0 77.4 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Pengembangan lembar kerja peserta didik berbasis contextual teaching and learning pada materi himpunan kelas VII SMPN 2 Kubung.pdf 0 517.6 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Penerapan model pembelajaran inovatif tipe problem centered learning dengan menggunakan LKS pada pembelajaran matematika siswa kelas VIII MTsN Koto tangah padang.pdf 0 100.4 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Penerapan model contex tual teaching and learning (ctl) dalam pembelajaran matematika untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik kelas VII SMPN 1 Danau kembar.pdf 0 530.8 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Instructional design for teaching sets using RME Approach at junior high school.pdf 0 98.1 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Implementation of formulate share listen create strategy to improve student's problem solving and mathematics disposition ability.pdf 0 525.4 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Eksperimentasi teknik quick on the draw pada pembelajaran matematika peserta didik kelas VIII SMPN 1 Ranah batahan kabupaten pasaman barat.pdf 0 522.0 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Developing a learning trajectory for teaching set in secondary grade.pdf 0 520.2 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Developing a hypothetical learning trajectory of fraction based on RME for junior high school.pdf 0 520.5 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] peer_Designing learning trajectory for teaching sets at grade 7 using realistic mathematics edutation approach.pdf 0 510.7 KB 2020-Jun-19
[pdf] Korespondensi SEADRIC 2019_yulia.pdf 0 1.0 MB 2021-Sep-20
[pdf] HAKI-The Development of Contractivism Based Models.pdf 0 410.0 KB 2020-Jul-29
[pdf] a case study on padang students mathematical ability.pdf 0 542.4 KB 2021-Jul-07
[pdf] 7. Turnitin_The Development.pdf 0 763.4 KB 2020-Sep-27
18 Files - 0 Folders Total downloads: 0 Total size: 8.3 MB  
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